Selected Bibliography for Research*

Aberth, Susan L. “Dorothea Tanning.” Amor Mundi: The Collection of Marguerite Steed Hoffman. Gavin Delahunty, ed. London: Ridinghouse, 2022, pp. 782-786.

Ades, Dawn.  Dada and Surrealism Reviewed.  Exhibition catalogue. London: Arts Council of Great Britain and Westerham Press, 1978.

Alexandrian, Sarane.  Surrealist Painters: A Tribute to the Artists and Influence of Surrealism.  New York: Hanna Graham, 2009.

Anderson, Lamar.  "Dorothea Tanning" (exhibition review).  ARTnews 112: 4 (April 2013), pp. 103-104.    

Arp, Jean.  Le Surréalisme.  Éditions d'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 1982.

Baatsch, Henri-Alexis.  "Hôtel du Pavot – Dorothea Tanning."  Hippocampe 10 (Spring 2014), pp. 57-63.

Bailly, Jean Christopher, John Russell, and Robert C. Morgan.  Dorothea Tanning.  New York: George Braziller, 1995.

Balsach, Maria Josep.  "Visions from the Desert. The Metamorphoses of Dorothea Tanning."  BRAC: Barcelona Research Art Creation  7, No 3 (October 2019), pp. 307-335.  View online

Baron, Jacques.   Anthologie Plastique du Surréalisme.  Paris: Éditions Filipacchi, 1980.

Barry, Robert.  "The Language of Flowers: Dorothea Tanning at Alison Jacques" (exhibition review).  The Quietus (online magazine), September 17, 2016.  View online

Baum, Timothy.  "Books in Review: Birthday. By Dorothea Tanning."  The Print Collector’s Newsletter 28: 1 (March/April 1987), p. 25.

Bennett, Claire-Louise.  "EYE of the STORM."  Frieze 201 (March 2019), pp. . 120-124.  View online

_____.  Fish Out of Water.  Milan: Juxta Press, 2020.

Bertelé, René, with poems by Jean-Louis Bedouin and André Pieyre de Mandiargues.  Dorothea Tanning.  Exhibition brochure.  Galerie Furstenberg, Paris, 1954.  View PDF

Bosquet, Alain.  "Dorothea Tanning: De l’obsession au ravissement" (exhibition review).  XXe Siècle 21: 12 (May-June 1959), sup. pp. 10-11.

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning: Dessins et Collages." (exhibition review).  Combat, October 23, 1961.

_____.  "Seconde naissance de Dorothea Tanning" (exhibition review).  Combat, June 8, 1970.

_____.  Dorothea Tanning: Peintures 1959-1962.  Exhibition catalogue.  Paris: Galerie Mouradian & Vallotton, 1962.  View PDF

_____.  La Peinture de Dorothea Tanning.  Paris: Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1966.

Bruy, Ursel.  "Die alchemistische Emanzipation — Transformationsstrategien bei Leonora Carrington, Leonor Fini und Dorothea Tanning."  Metamorphosen der Liebe: Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien zu Eros und Geschlecht im Surrealismus.  Verena Krieger, ed.  Hamburg: Ikonologie der Moderne Band 1, 2006, pp. 103–121.

Buck, Louisa.  "Dorothea Tanning’s Brazen, Bizarre Flower Paintings" (exhibition review).  The Telegraph, September 23, 2016.  View online

Carruthers, Victoria,  and Catriona McAra. "Mermaids and Metaphors: Dorothea Tanning's Surrealist Ocean." Framing the Ocean, 1700 to the Present: Envisaging the Sea as Social Space. Tricia Cusack, ed. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2014, pp. 211-222.

Carruthers, Victoria.  "Between Silence and Sound: John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen and the Sculptures of Dorothea Tanning."  Art, History and the Senses: 1830 to the Present.  Patrizia Di Bello and Gabriel Koureas, eds.  Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 2010, pp. 97-116.

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning and Her Gothic Imagination."  Journal of Surrealism and the Americas 5: 1 (2011), pp. 134-158.

_____.   Dorothea Tanning: Transformations.  London: Lund Humphries, 2020.

_____.   Imagining the In-between: The Art of Dorothea Tanning.  PhD thesis, University of Essex, 2012.

Caws, Mary Ann.  "Person: Tanning’s Self-portraiture."  The Surrealist Look: An Erotics of Encounter.  Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1997, pp. 61-93.

_____.  "The Poetry of Door 84."  Symbolism, Dada, Surrealisms: Selected Writings of Mary Ann Caws.   London: Reaktion Books, 2024, pp. 79-88.

_____.  Joseph Cornell’s Theater of the Mind — Selected Diaries, Letters and Files.  New York: Thames and Hudson, Inc., 1993.

Chadwick, Whitney, ed.  Mirror Images: Women, Surrealism, and Self-Representation.  Exhibition catalogue.  Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT List Visual Art Center, 1998.

_____.  "The Muse as Artist: Women in the Surrealist Movement."  Art in America 73: 7 (July 1985), pp. 120-128.

_____.  Women Artists and the Surrealist Movement.  Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1985.

Chevrier, Jean-François.  "Dorothea Tanning, Chambre 202 o Las Transformaciones de la Perspectiva Biografica."  Formas Biográficas: Construcción y Mitología Individual.  Exhibition catalogue.  Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2013, pp. 158-171.

Chiasson, Dan.  "Late Harvest: Dorothea Tanning’s Second Book of Poems."  The New Yorker, October 17, 2011, p. 91.  View online

Conley, Katharine. "Autobiography." A History of the Surrealist Novel. Anna Watz, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp. 25-38.

_____. “Book Review: New Books on Dorothea Tanning [by authors Alyce Mahon and Victoria Carruthers].” Journal of Surrealism and the Americas 11:1 (2020), pp. 81-83.

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning’s Gothic Ghostliness."  Surrealist Ghostliness.  Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2013, pp. 119-150.

_____.  "Les Révolutions de Dorothea Tanning."  Pleine Marge: Cahiers de littérature, d’arts plastiques, & de critique No. 36 (December 2002), pp. 146-175.  View PDF

_____.  "Safe as Houses: Anamorphic Bodies in Ordinary Spaces: Miller, Varo, Tanning, Woodman."  Angels of Anarchy: Women Artists and Surrealism.  Exhibition catalogue.  London: Prestel and Manchester Art Gallery, 2009, pp. 46-55.

_____.  "Surrealism’s Ghostly Automatic Body."  Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 15:3 (June 2011), pp. 297-304.  

Cooper, Allison.  "Dorothea Tanning."  She Models for Her: Phoebe D’Heurle & Maryam Hoseini.  Exhibition catalogue.  New York: The Shed, 2019, pp. 50,-54.

Dannatt, Adrian.  "NY Artist Q & A: Dorothea Tanning" (interview).  The Art Newspaper (International Edition) X: 98. (December 1999), p. 71.  View PDF

de la Torre, Monica.  "On Eroticism and Cutting Fabric” in Rubinstein, Raphael, "The Active Voice: 12 Poems on Contemporary Art."  Art in America 101: 6 (June/July 2013), pp. 116, 118-119, 127.  View online

de Menil, Dominique, and Walter Hopps.  The Menil Collection.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1987.

de Solier, René.  "Les sculptures tantriques de Dorothea Tanning" (exhibition review).  XXe Siècle 32: 35 (December 1970), pp. 76-84.  View PDF

de Zegher, Catherine. “Pretty Brilliant: Room II, It’s Temple Stands, Alway.” See All This Art Magazine 5, no. 20 (Winter 2020/2021), pp. 62-85.

"Dorothea Tanning."  Mizue 803 (December 1971), pp. 64–79.

Dorothea Tanning: Web of Dreams.  London: Alison Jacques Gallery, 2014.

Dorothea Tanning: Doesn’t the Paint Say It All?  With essays by Dorothea Tanning, Victoria Carruthers, Mary Ann Caws, and Katharine Conley, and an introduction by Pamela S. Johnson. Exhibition catalogue. New York: Kasmin Gallery, 2022.

Dorothea Tanning: Numéro Spécial de XXe Siècle.  Essays, letters, poems, and tributes by Daniel Abadie, Sarane Alexandrian, Jean-Christophe Bailly, Jacques Baron, André Breton, Roland Busselen, John Cage, Jean Cassou, Eleanor Clark, Joseph Cornell, Marcel Duhamel, Max Ernst, Pierre Hebey, Pontus Hulten, Constantin Jelenski, Alain Jouffroy, Robert Lebel, James Lord, André Pieyre de Mandiargues, André Masson, Joan Miró, Robert Penn Warren, Roland Penrose, John Russell, Jean Tardieu, and Patrick Waldberg.  Original color lithographs by André Masson, Roberto Matta, and Joan Miró.  Paris: Editions XXe Siècle, 1977.  View interactive magazine

Duits, Charles.  "Le surréalisme."  XXe Siècle 26: 24 (December 1964), p. 120.

Duncan, Michael.  "Dorothea Tanning at Zabriskie" (exhibition review).  Art in America 88: 6 (June 2000), p. 120; ill. p. 119.  View PDF 

Eckersley, Karen. “Indivisible: Exploring Boundless Human and Non-human Matter-Ings in Dorothea Tanning’s Surrealist Oeuvre.” Transpositiones 1, no. 1: Multiple Knowledges, Learning from/with Other Beings (April 2022), pp. 33-47.

Elsasser, Glen.  "Book Chronicles Dorothea Tanning’s Career" (book review and interview).  Chicago Tribune, January 7, 1996, Section 7 (Arts & Entertainment), p. 7.

Ernst, Max.  "Dorothea Tanning."  Exhibition brochure.  New York: Julien Levy Gallery, 1944.

Everding, Kelly.  "Dorothea Tanning" (book review and interview).  Rain Taxi Review of Books 6: 3 (Fall 2001), pp. 32-33.

Falkenstein, Michelle.  "The Oldest Living Surrealist Tells (Almost) All."  ARTnews 100: 8 (September 2001), pp. 146-7.

Fort, Ilene Susan, and Tere Arcq, eds.  In Wonderland: The Surrealist Adventures of Women Artists in Mexico and the United States.  Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2012

Freeman, Sienna.  "Pulled, Stitched, and Stuffed: Materiality and the Abject in Dorothea Tanning’s Soft Sculpture."  Sightlines: Visual and Critical Studies, California College of the Arts (2016), pp. 17-29.  View online

Freudenheim, Milt.  "Up from Galesburg with Dorothea Tanning."  Chicago Daily News: Panorama, June 29-30, 1974, p. 12.

Geldzahler, Henry.  "Dorothea Tanning: Max Ernst and Me" (book review).  Elle (April 1987), pp. 116, 118.

Gerhardt, Kuwertz & Schumann.  "Weibliche Inhalte auf weibliche Weise darstellen."  Magazin Kunst 4 (1975), pp. 77–79.

Gibson, Ann.  "Dorothea Tanning: The Impassioned Double Entendre" (exhibition review).  Arts Magazine 58: 1 (September 1983), pp. 102–103, rep. p. 102–103.

Giordano, Marina.  "Gli avatar pittura: le soft sculptures di Dorothea Tanning."  Surrealismo e dintorni.  Eva di Stefano, Giulia Ingarao, and Davide Lacagnina, eds. Rome: XL edizioni, 2010, pp. 89-114.

_____.  Trame d’artista: Il tessuto nell’arte contemporanea.  Milan: Postmedia Books, 2012, pp. 164-168.

Girst, Thomas.  "Lebenswert: Der Surrealismus" (interview).  Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (July 14, 2002), p. NR 28.  View PDF

Glassie, John.  "Oldest Living Surrealist Tells All" (interview).  February 11, 2002.  View online

Glăvan, Gabriela.  "American Beauty."  Cărțile insomniei. Iași: Institutul European, 2015, pp. 235-244.  [Books of Insomnia. Yassy: European Institute Publishing, 2015, pp. 235-244.)

_____.  "Reinventing The Marriage Between Heaven and Hell: Children’s Literature and the Avant-Garde.”  A Serious Genre: The Apology of Children’s Literature.  Dana Percec, ed.  Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp. 187-208.

_____.  "Verbal Dreamscapes. Dorothea Tanning’s Visual Literature."  Romanian Journal of English Studies 13, no. 1 (December 1, 2016), pp. 110-115.  View online

_____.  "Wicked Children of Surrealism: Representations of the Evil Infantile in Dorothea Tanning's Art and Literature."  Literary Cartographies: Regional, European, National, Global.  Adriana Babeți, Dumitru Tucan, Gabriela Glăvan, Radu Pavel Gheo, eds. Timisoara: West University Publishing, 2016, pp. 251-261.  ["Copiii răi ai suprarealismului: reprezentări ale infantilului malefic în arta și literatura Dorotheei Tanning."  Cartografii literare: regional, european, național, global.  Adriana Babeți, Dumitru Tucan, Gabriela Glăvan, Radu Pavel Gheo, coord.  Timișoara: Editura Universității de Vest din, 2016, pp. 251-261.]

_____.  "Corrupt Childhood.  Dorothea Tanning’s 'Chasm: A Weekend'."  British and American Studies, No. 22 (2016), pp. 57-65.

Greskovic, Robert, Joanna Kleinberg, and Rachel Liebowitz.  Dorothea Tanning: Early Designs for the Stage.  Exhibition catalogue.  New York: The Drawing Center, 2010.

Gruen, John.  "Among the Sacred Monsters" (interview).  ARTnews 87: 3 (March 1988), pp. 178–182.

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning."  The Artist Observed, 28 Interviews with Contemporary Artists.  Chicago: A Capella Books, 1991, pp. 182-193.

Grünburger, Tulla.  "Dorothea Tanning: Konstnären befriad i både färg och form."  Veckojournalen, October 17, 1978, pp. 24–25.

Hagenberg, Roland.  "Dorothea Tanning" (interview).  Art of Russia and the West, No. 1 (March 1989), pp. 24-31.

Hall-Duncan, Nancy, and Sam Hunter.  The Surrealist Vision: Europe and the Americas.  Exhibition catalogue.   Greenwich, Connecticut: The Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, 1998.

Harris, Mark.  "Critics’ Picks: London: Dorothea Tanning" (exhibition review).  Artforum (online version), September 2016.  View online

Hirsch, Edward. "Poet’s Choice by Edward Hirsch," The Washington Post, July 4, 2004, p BW12.  View online

Howard, Richard, and Charles Stuckey.  Dorothea Tanning: Insomnias 1955–1965.  Exhibition catalogue.  New York: Kent Gallery, 2005.

Howard, Richard.  "Dorothea Tanning: Philadelphia Museum of Art" (exhibition review).  Artforum 39: 8 (April 2001), p. 135.

_____.  "Still Time: A Note on Dorothea Tanning’s Poems." Amercian Poet : The Journal of The Academy of American Poets (Spring 2003), pp. 20-23.

Hüllenkremer, Marie.  "Die Kunst des Liebens" (book review).  Zeit Magazine 14 (March 1990), pp. 46-56.

Hulten, Pontus.  "Introduction."  Eleven Paintings by Dorothea Tanning.  New York: Kent Fine Art, 1988.

_____.  "Preface."  Dorothea Tanning: 10 Recent Paintings and a Biography.  Exhibition catalogue.  New York: Gimpel-Weitzenhoffer Gallery, 1979, p. 5.

_____.  "Preface."  Dorothea Tanning.  Exhibition brochure.  Stockholm: Galerie Bel’Art, 1975, p. 1.

Janis, Sidney.  Abstract and Surrealist Art in America.  Exhibition catalogue.  New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1944.

Jean, Marcel.  Histoire de la Peinture Surréaliste.  Paris: Éditions de Seuil, 1959.

Jelenski, Constantin.  "Dorothea Tanning" (exhibition review).  Preuves 100 (June 1959), p. 92.

Johnson, Pamela S.  "Have You Ever Dreamed of Flying?" (Introduction) and "Endotes" for "Portfolio: Dreams of a Year: Dorothea Tanning." A Public Space No. 24 (Spring 2016), pp. 14; 50-53.

Jouffroy, Alain.  "Dorothea Tanning: Le Chavirement dans la joie" (exhibition review).  XXe Siècle  No. 43 (December 1974), pp. 60-68.

_____.   "Interview with Dorothea Tanning."  Dorothea Tanning. Retrospective exhibition catalogue.  Malmö, Sweden: Malmö Konsthall, 1993.  (Originally published as "Questions pour Dorothea Tanning entretien avec Alain Jouffroy, Mars 1974," in Dorothea Tanning: Oeuvre.  Retrospective exhibition catalogue.  Paris: Centre National d'Art Contemporain, 1974, revised 1988.)

_____.  "La Révolution est femme."  XXe Siècle—Panorama 74—Le Surréalisme I  No. 42 (June 1974), pp. 112-16.

_____.  "L’Attentat de Dorothea Tanning." Dorothea Tanning: Numéro Spécial de XXe Siècle. Paris: Editions XXe Siècle, 1977, pp. 16-27.

_____.   "Questions pour Dorothea Tanning: Entretien avec Alain Jouffroy, Mars 1974" (interview).  Dorothea Tanning: Oeuvre.  Retrospective exhibition catalogue.  Paris: Centre National d'Art Contemporain, 1974, pp. 43-53.

Kang, Soo Y.  "Tanning’s Pictograph: Repossessing Woman’s Fantasy."  Aurora, The Journal of the History of Art 3 (2002), pp. 89-104.  View PDF

Karam, Samantha.  "Challenging Ideologies: Contrasting Dorothea Tanning's Mid-20th Century Animal Paintings with Contemporaneous Zoo Designs."  Athanor XXXII (2014), pp. 103-109.

Kimmelman, Michael.  "Interwoven Destinies As Artist and Wife" (interview).  The New York Times, August 24, 1995, pp. C11, C20.  View online

Kirwin, Liza.  More Than Words: Illustrated Letters From The Smithsonian’s Archive of American Art.  New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2005.

Kramer, Jane.  "Self Inventions: Dorothea Tanning, Painter Turned Poet."  The New Yorker, May 3, 2004, pp. 40-60.

_____. "Dorothea Tanning's Occult Drawings." Art Criticism 3 , no . 2 (1987), pp. 43-48.

Kuspit, Donald. "Dorothea Tanning's Occult Drawings." Art Criticism 3 , no . 2 (1987), pp. 43-48.

Kuspit, Donald. "Dorothea Tanning's Occult Drawings." Art Criticism 3, no . 2 (1987), pp. 43-48.

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning, Stephen Mazoh & Co." (exhibition review).  Artforum 22 (January 1984), p. 71.  View PDF

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning."  Dorothea Tanning: On Paper 1948-1986.  Exhibition brochure.  New York: Kent Fine Art, 1987, pp. 4-20.  View PDF  

Lalanne, Dorothée.  "Dorothea Tanning comme ça" (book review).  Vogue  (Paris) 694 (March 1989), pp. 239–243.

Lampe, Angela.  "Größter Schatten oder größtes Licht.  Surrealistische Frauenentwürfe zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit."  Die unheimlishe Frau: Weiblichkeit im Surrealismus.  Exhibition catalogue. Angela Lampe, ed.  Bielefeld: Kunsthalle Bielefeld, 2001, pp. 25-48.

Lebel, Robert.  "Dorothea Tanning" (exhibition review).  Cahiers d’Art 28: 1 (1953), pp. 137–140. 

_____.   "Il Surrealismo Dopo il 1940."  Arte Moderna   35 (1967).

_____.  "Le Surréalisme en 53."  Premier Bilan de l’Art Actuel.  Paris: Le Soleil Noir Positions, 1953.

_____.  "Prose pour Dorothea Tanning."  Dorothea Tanning: Peintures Recentes, Petites Sculptures D'Or.  Exhibition catalogue.  Paris: Le Point Cardinal, 1962, pp. 7-9.

Lee, Jooeun.  "The Door Motif in Dorothea Tanning`s Paintings."  미국학논집 (Journal of The American Studies Association of Korea), 47, no. 3 (2015), p.193.

Levi-Strauss, Monique.  "Dorothea Tanning: Soft Sculptures" (interview).  American Fabrics and Fashions 108 (Fall 1976), pp. 68–69.  View PDF

Levitt, Annette S.  "Women’s Work: The Transformations of Leonor Fini and Dorothea Tanning."  The Genres and Genders of Surrealism. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1999, pp. 89-11.

List, Larry, and Ingrid Schaffner.  The Imagery of Chess Revisited. Exhibition catalogue.  New York: The Noguchi Museum, 2005.

Liu, Jui-Ch'i.  "Creating the Feminine/Maternal Jouissance in Potential Space: The Art of Dorothea Tanning."  Taida Journal of Art History 46 (March 2019), pp. 175-222.  (劉瑞琪.  在「潛在空間」中創造陰性/母性「暢爽」:杜若西雅.譚凝的藝術.) 

Lumbard, Paula.  "Dorothea Tanning: On the Threshhold to a Darker Place."  Woman’s Art Journal 2: 1 (Spring/Summer 1981), pp. 49-52.  View PDF

Lundström, Anna.  "Bodies and Spaces: On Dorothea Tanning's Sculptures."  Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History 78: 3 (November 2009), pp. 121-130.  View PDF

Lyford, Amy.  Exquisite Dreams: The Art and Life of Dorothea Tanning.  London: Reaktion Books, 2024.

_____.  "Refashioning Surrealism: The Early Art of Dorothea Tanning."  Dorothea Tanning: Beyond the Esplanade: Paintings, Drawings and Prints from 1940 to 1965.  Exhibition catalogue.  San Francisco: Frey Norris Gallery, 2009, pp. 4-15.

MacRitchie, Lyn.  "Painting is life or death, every time."  Financial Times (October 9–10, 1993), p. 23.

Mahon, Alyce, ed., with Ann Coxon and Idoia Murga Castro.  Dorothea Tanning: Behind the Door, Another Invisible Door.  Exhibition catalogue, Spanish and English editions. Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2018.

_____, ed.  Dorothea Tanning.  Exhibition catalogue. London: Tate Publishing, 2018.

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning, Surrealism, and "Unknown but Knowable" States of Being."  Fantastic Women: Surreal Worlds from Meret Oppenheim to Louise Bourgeois.  Ingrid Pfeiffer, ed.   Exhibition catalogue.   Hirmer Publishers, Munich, 2020, pp. 223-227.

McAra, Catriona.  A Surrealist Stratigraphy of Dorothea Tanning’s Chasm.  London: Routledge, 2017.

_____.  "Blind Date: Tanning’s Surrealist Anti-tale."  Anti-Tales: The Uses of Disenchantment.  Catriona McAra and David Calvin, eds.  Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, pp. 100-114.

_____.  "Emma's Navel: Dorothea Tanning's Narrative Sculpture."  Intersections: Women Artists/Surrealism/Modernism.  Patricia Allmer, ed.  Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016, pp.  91-111.

_____. "Feminist-Surrealism in the Contemporary Novel." A History of the Surrealist Novel. Anna Watz, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp. 348-363.

_____.  "Glowing Like Phosphorus: Dorothea Tanning and the Sedona Western."  Journal of Surrealism and the Americas 10:1 (2019), pp. 84-105.  View online

_____.  "Kaleidoscope Eyes: Cytherean Voyages in the Post-Surrealist Practice of Dorothea Tanning."  Dorothea Tanning: Unknown but Knowable States.  Exhibition catalogue.  San Francisco: Gallery Wendi Norris, 2013, pp. 11-19.

_____.  "Open Sesame: Dorothea Tanning’s Critical Writing."  Surrealist Women’s Writing: A Critical Exploration.  Anna Watz, ed.  Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2021, pp. 210-224. 

_____.  "(Re-)Reading (Post-)Surrealism Through Dorothea Tanning’s Chasm: The Femme-Enfant Tears Through the Text."  Postmodern Reinterpretations of Fairy Tales: How Applying New Methods Generates New Meanings.  Anna Kérchy, ed.  London: Edwin Mellen Press, 2011, pp. 421-442.

_____.   "Sadeian Women: Erotic Violence in the Surrealist Spectacle."  Violence and the Limits of Representation.  Graham Matthews and Sam Goodman, eds.  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 69-89.

_____.  "Some Parallels in Words and Pictures": Dorothea Tanning and Visual Intertextuality.  PhD thesis, University of Glasgow, 2012.

_____.  "Surrealism’s Curiosity: Lewis Carroll and the Femme-Enfant."  Papers of Surrealism, Issue 9 (Summer 2011).  View online

McCormick, Carlo.  "Dorothea Tanning" (interview).  BOMB 33 (Fall 1990), pp. 36–41.  View online

McQuaid, Cate.  "Dorothea Tanning Paints Again, and Speaks for Herself" (exhibition review and interview).  The Boston Sunday Globe, April 4, 1999, p. N6.  View PDF

Mejias, Jordan.  "Seherin der Kunst: Dorothea Tanning erfindet die Welt Neu" (book review).  Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin 526 (March 30, 1990), pp. 12-18.

Melville, Robert.  "The Snake on the Dining Room Table," View 6 (May, 1946), pp. 9–10.

_____.   "Violence" (exhibition review). The Architectural Review 135: 807 (May 1964), pp. 367-369 .

Merjian, Ara H.  "A Surrealist ‘Little Sister'? Dorothea Tanning’s (Femme) Fatala (1947), Metaphysical Painting, and the Roman Policier."  Word & Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry, 37, no. 2 (2021), pp. 178–91.

Micha, René. "La Chambre d’Amis de Dorothea Tanning." La Femme surréaliste, ed. Roger Borderie. Special issue of Obliques, no. 14–15, 1977, pp. 292-296.   View Gallery

Morgan, Robert.  Dorothea Tanning: "Messages."  Exhibition catalogue.  New York: Nahan Contemporary, 1990.

Morineau, Camille.  elles@centrepompidou: Women Artists in the Collection of the Musée national d’art moderne, Centre de création industrielle.  Exhibition catalogue.  Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2009 (French and English versions).

Moriuchi, Mey-Yen.  "Space, Place, and Gender in the Art of Dorothea Tanning."  Art and Social Change: Essays on the Collection of La Salle University Art Museum.  Klare Scarborough and Susan M. Dixon, eds.  Philadelphia: La Salle University Art Gallery, 2016, pp. 161-175.

Morley, Simon.  "Dorothea Tanning: The Art in Being Surreal" (interview).  Art Line International 14: 9 (1990), pp. 42-43.

_____,  and Dawn Ades, eds.  Surrealism: Desire Unbound.  London: Tate Publishing, 2001; Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001.

Mundy, Jennifer.  "Quiet Mystery."  Tate Arts and Culture (July-August 2003), pp. VI-VIII.  View online

Myers, John B.  Tracking the Marvelous.  New York: Random House, 1981.

Nakamura, Marie-Pierre.  "New York: Dorothea Tanning" (interview).  Art Actuel No. 19 (March-April 2002), pp. 23-25.  View PDF

Napier, Eloise.  "Her Infinite Variety" (interview).  Harpers & Queen, September 2004, pp. 226-231.

Nochlin, Linda.  "Reviews: Dorothea Tanning at C.N.A.C." (exhibition review).  Art in America 62: 6 (November 1974), p. 128.

Nordgren, Sune, John Russell, Alain Jouffroy, Jean-Christophe Bailly, and Lasse Söderberg.  Dorothea Tanning: Om Konst Kunde Tala (If Art Could Talk).  Exhibition catalogue.  Malmö, Sweden: Malmö Konsthall, 1993.  Includes "Interview with Dorothea Tanning" by Alain Jouffroy, originally published as "Questions pour Dorothea Tanning entretien avec Alain Jouffroy, Mars 1974," in Dorothea Tanning: Oeuvre, retrospective exhibition catalogue, Paris: Centre National D'Art Contemporain, 1974.

Oesterreicher-Mollwo, Marianne.  Surrealism and Dadaism.  Oxford: Phaidon Press, 1979.

Pawlik, Joanna.  "Of Marriage, Mothers, and Pets in the Art of Gertrude Abercrombie and Dorothea Tanning."  A Home for Surrealism: Fantastic Painting in Midcentury Chicago.  Janine Mileaf and Susan F. Rossen, eds.  Chicago: The Arts Club of Chicago, 2018, pp. 46-57.

Pech, Jürgen.  "Hinter den Türen des Werkes von Dorothea Tanning."  Mythen – Symbole – Metamorphosen in der Kunst seit 1800: Festschrift für Christa Lichtenstern zum 60. Geburtstag.  Helga and J. Adolf Schmoll gen. Eisenwerth and Regina Maria Hillert, eds.  Berlin: Mann, 2004, pp. 366–377.

_____.   Max Ernst – D-paintings – Zeitreise der Liebe.  Exhibition catalogue.  Brühl: Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR, 2019.

Plazy, Giles.  Dorothea Tanning.  Paris: Editions Filipacchi, 1976.

_____.  "La Libération de Dorothea Tanning" (exhibition review).  Quodidien de Paris, May 30, 1974, p. 12.

Power, Susan L. "Portes et miroirs dans le monde surconscient de Dorothea Tanning."  SurréAlice: Lewis Carroll et les Surréalistes.   Exhibition catalogue. Strasbourg: Editions des Musées de Strasbourg, 2022, pp. 75-83. 

Press, Joy.  "Books: The Tanning Salon" (book review and interview).  The Village Voice 46: 35 (September 4, 2001), p. 65.  View online

Pretzell, Lothar.  "Himmlische und irdische Liebe: Gedanken zum Werk von Dorothea Tanning."  Kunstmagazin (June 1980), pp. 28–31.

Radford, Robert.  "Dorothea Tanning" (exhibition review).  Art Monthly 171 (November 1993), pp. 25–26.

Richardson, John.  "Tanning Secrets" (book review).  Vanity Fair (April 1987), p. 128.

Roberts, Helene.  "Metaphors of the Self in the Paintings of Dorothea Tanning."  Visual Resources Association 23: 4 (Winter 1996), pp. 79-82.

Rowley, Alison.  "Lapses of Taste: On Dorothea Tanning."  Women’s Art Journal 66 (1995), pp. 16-19.

Royle, Nicholas.  "Review: Love Among the Lions" (book review).  The Guardian, Unlimited Books, September 18, 2004, online version.  View online

Rubin, Robert Henry.  "Dorothea Tanning" (interview).  NIGHT (November 1979).

Russell, John.  "Dorothea Tanning at Gimpel & Weitzenhoffer" (exhibition review).  Art in America 68 (February 1980), pp. 129–130.

_____.  “Dorothea Tanning: Collages” (exhibition review).  The New York Times, February 24, 1989, p. C26.

Savigneau, Josyanne.  "Des Livres: Dorothea Tanning, le surréalisme au cœur" (interview).  Le Monde, May 9, 2003, p. VIII.

Sawin, Martica.  Surrealism in Exile and the Beginning of the New York School.  Cambidge, Mass. and London: The MIT Press, 1995. 

Scappini, Alessandra.  Il paesaggio totemico tra reale e immaginario nell'universo femminile di Leonora Carrington, Leonor Fini, Kay Sage, Dorothea Tanning, Remedios Varo.  Udine: Mimesis, 2017.

Schaffner, Ingrid, and Lisa Jacobs, eds., with introduction by Dorothea Tanning .  Julien Levy: Portrait of an Art Gallery.  Exhibition catalogue.  Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1998.

Schaffner, Ingrid, Charles Simic, and Mary Ann Caws, with foreword by Ann Philbin.  The Return of the Cadavre Exquis.  Exhibition catalogue.   New York: The Drawing Center, 1994.

Schmied, Wieland.  "Die Türen des Unbewussten."  Kunstmagazin (June 1980), pp. 22–27.

Schneede, Uwe M.  Malerei des Surrealismus.  Cologne: Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1973.

_____.   Surrealism.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1973.

Schwabsky, Barry.  "Dorothea Tanning" (exhibition review).  Arts Magazine 61: 7 (March 1987), pp. 106–107.

_____  "Her Wild Entire."  The Nation, March 8, 2010, pp. 31-34.   View online.

Schwartz, Arturo.  Die Surrealistien.  Exhibition catalogue.  Frankfurt: Kulturgesellschaft Frankfurt mbH and Nuove edizioni Gabriele Mazzotta, 1989.

_____.    I Surrealisti.  Exhibition catalogue.  Milan: Nuove edizioni Gabriele Mazzotta, 1989.

Shikler, Barbara.  "Interview with Dorothea Tanning" (unpublished).  Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1990.

Smith, Roberta.  "Art in Review: Dorothea Tanning New York Public Library" (exhibition review).  The New York Times, July 3, 1992, p. 26.  View online

Söderberg, Lasse.  På andra sidan dörren. Om Dorothea Tannings måleri.  Lund: Ellerström, 1993.

Söderqvist, Jan.  "Historien om en kärlek" (book review).  Svenska Dagbladet, March 3, 1989, p. 10.

Spies, Werner.  "Attentat auf die eigene Person."  Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, No. 193 (August 21, 2010), pp. Z1-2.

Stich, Sidra.  Anxious Visions: Surrealist Art.  Exhibition catalogue.  New York: Abbeville Press and University Art Museum, Berkeley, 1990.

Sundberg, Martin.  "The Metamorphosis of Dorothea Tanning: On the Painting Insomnias."  Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 79: 1 (March 2010), pp. 18-32.  View PDF

"Surréalisme 1924–1975."  Mizue 838 (January 1975), pp. 20–45, rep. pp. 12, 34.

Tashjian, Dickran.  Joseph Cornell.  Miami: Grassfield Press, 1992.

Temkin, Ann.  "Dorothea Tanning."  Grand Street 72: Detours (Fall 2003), pp. 137-139, with portfolio of images of sculpture pp. 126-136. 

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning: Birthday."  Gifts in Honor of the 125th Anniversary of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  Exhibition catalogue.  Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2002, p. 132.

_____.  Dorothea Tanning: Birthday and Beyond.  Exhibition brochure.  Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2000.

Van Proyen, Mark.  "San Francisco: Dorothea Tanning" (exhibition review).  Art in America 101: 5 (May 2013), pp. 174-175.    

Waddell, Roberta, and Louisa Wood Ruby, eds., with texts by Donald Kuspit and Dorothea Tanning.  Dorothea Tanning: Hail Delirium!  A Catalogue Raisonné of the Artist’s Illustrated Books and Prints, 1942-1991.  New York: The New York Public Library, 1992.

Waldberg, Patrick.  "Dorothea Tanning et Les Enfants de La Nuit."  Dorothea Tanning, Casino Communal, XXe Festival Belge D'Été.  Exhibition catalogue.  Brussels: André de Rache, 1967, pp. 5-13.  View PDF

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning: La Mémoire Ensorcelée."  Les Demeures d’Hypnos.  Paris: Éditions de la Différence, 1976, pp. 310-329.

_____.  "Tanning ou La mémoire ensorcelée."  XXe Siècle 28: 27 (December 1966), pp. 129-130.

_____.  Le Surréalisme.  Geneva: Skira, 1962.

Warhol, Andy.  "Mr. and Mrs. Max Ernst" (interview).  Interview 5: 5 (1975), pp. 11-13.

Warner, Marina.  The Inner Eye: Art Beyond the Visible.  Exhibition Catalogue.  London: National Touring Exhibitions and Hayward Gallery, 1996.

Watt, Alexander.  "Paris Commentary" (exhibition review).  Studio 158:  798 (October 1959), p. 92.

Watz, Anna. "Maternities: Dorothea Tanning's Aesthetics of Touch." Art History  45: 1 (February 2022), pp. 12-34.  View online

_____. "The Mother Figure in the Surrealist Novel."  A History of the Surrealist Novel. Anna Watz, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp. 152-167.

Wechsler, Jeffrey.  Surrealism and American Art 1931-1947.  Exhibition catalogue.  New Brunswick: Rutgers University Art Gallery, 1976.

Weinstein, Norman.  "Shadows of Eros: Notes on Dorothea Tanning's Surrealism."  Spring: A Journal of Archetypal Psychology (1981), pp. 137-148.  View PDF

Wilson, Sarah.  Dorothea Tanning: Between Lives--Works on Paper.   Exhibition catalogue.  London: Runkel-Hue-Williams Ltd., 1989.  View PDF

Wilson, Simon.  Surrealist Painting.  Phaidon Press Ltd., Oxford, 1976 & 1982.

Wood, Gaby.  "Arts Interview: 'I've Always Been Perverse'" (interview).  The Guardian, August 15, 2004, p. 7.  View online

Worth, Nicolas.  "The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Delirium" (exhibition review).  Art News and Review 7: 3 (March 5, 1955), p. 6.

Wyss, Dieter.  Der Surrealismus: Eine Einführung und Deutung Surrealistischer Literatur und Malerei.  Heidelberg: Verlag Lambert Schneider, 1950.

Yablonsky, Linda.  "Surrealist Views From a Real Live One."  The New York Times, March 24, 2002, pp. 35, 37.  View online



Chiasson, Dan.  "Dorothea Tanning: Unfairly Overshadowed."  The Book Bench (blog). The New Yorker, online version, posted February 7, 2012.  View online

Dannatt, Adrian.  "Grande Dame in Eternal Exile: Dorothea Tanning (1910-2012).", February 16, 2012.  View online.

Glueck, Grace.  "Dorothea Tanning, Surrealist Painter, Dies at 101."  The New York Times, February 1, 2012, p. A24.  View online

Needham, Alex.  Dorothea Tanning, Surrealist Artist, dies aged 101."  The Guardian, February 6, 2012.

Press, Joy.  "Dorothea Tanning dies at 101; Artist and poet married Max Ernst."  Los Angeles Times, February 5, 2012.  View online

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning, artist and poet who married Max Ernst, dies at 101." Kansas City Star, February 4, 2012.

_____.  "Dorothea Tanning, Artist and Poet, Dies as 101."  The Washington Post, February 6, 2012.

_____.  "Artist-writer Dorothea Tanning dies at 101."  Newsday, February 5, 2012.

Russeth, Andrew.  "Dorothea Tanning, Surrealist Painter and Poet, Dies at 10."  The New York Observer: GalleristNY, February 1, 2012. 

Saltz, Jerry.  "Jerry Saltz on Dorothea Tanning, 1910–2012."   New York Magazine:, February 1, 2012.

Sebestyen Amanda.  "Dorothea Tanning, an artist 'determined to escape categorization.'" The Guardian, February 6, 2012.

Williamson, Marcus.  "Dorothea Tanning: Painter, Sculptor and Poet Whose work Crossed Artistic Boundaries."  The Independent, February 4, 2012.


*For books, essays, and poems written by Dorothea Tanning, please see Writings Bibliography or Poetry Bibliography.