Metamorphose (Metamorphosis)
Bâteau bleu (The Grotto)
Cover for Les 7 périls spectraux
Premier péril (First Peril) from Les 7 périls spectraux (The Seven Spectral Perils)
Deuxième péril (Second Peril) from Les 7 périls spectraux (The Seven Spectral Perils)
Troisième péril (Third Peril) from Les 7 périls spectraux (The Seven Spectral Perils)
Quatrième péril (Fourth Peril) from Les 7 périls spectraux (The Seven Spectral Perils)
Cinquième péril (Fifth Peril) from Les 7 périls spectraux (The Seven Spectral Perils)
Sixième péril (Sixth Peril) from Les 7 périls spectraux (The Seven Spectral Perils)
Septième péril (Seventh Peril) from Les 7 périls spectraux (The Seven Spectral Perils)
Dorothea Tanning, Paris
Untitled (Set Design for an Unrealized Ballet)
Dorothea Tanning, Paris
Set design for The Witch, a ballet by John Cranko
Castle Midnight, costume design for The Witch, a ballet by John Cranko
The Girl (before), costume design for The Witch, a ballet by John Cranko
The Girl, costume design for The Witch, a ballet by John Cranko
The Boy, costume design for The Witch, a ballet by John Cranko
The Butlers, costume design for The Witch, a ballet by John Cranko
Bat Demon, costume design for The Witch, a ballet by John Cranko
Monstre, costume design for The Witch, a ballet by John Cranko
Back in Sedona, Arizona. April, exhibition at American Contemporary Gallery, Hollywood. Visit of Dylan Thomas.
Interior with Sudden Joy
Musical Chairs
A Drawing for Midnight
Katchina and Her Soul
Bon soir (Good Evening)
Set design for Bayou, a ballet by George Balanchine
Bride, costume design for Bayou, a ballet by George Balanchine