Interior with Sudden Joy
Musical Chairs
Katchina and Her Soul
Bon soir (Good Evening)
Les Petits Annonces faites à Marie (Small Annunciations)
Lumière du foyer (Home Light)
La Rose et le Chien (The Rose and the Dog)
The Guest Room
La Truite au bleu (Poached Trout)
The Philosophers
And If You're Outside Looking In
Dernières Nouvelles (Letters from Home)
Some Roses and Their Phantoms
Juke Box
Intérieur (Interior)
Death and the Maiden
Dimanche après-midi (Sunday Afternoon)
Les Trois Garces
Valse bleue (The Blue Waltz)
Portrait de famille (Family Portrait)
Katchina Coquette
Tableau vivant (Living Picture)
Le Balcon
Nue endormie (Sleeping Nude)
Halloween en noir (Halloween in Black)
Le Mal oublié (The Ill Forgotten)